Page 10 - paruzzi-magazine-en-27
P. 10

#79                                     Electrical

        The collector becomes a rectifier                                  dynamo collector

        The dynamo's collector
        (photo at right) had to be

        replaced with a part that

        showed less, or no wear.
        The dynamo's collector, along

        with the carbon brushes, is re-

        sponsible for rectifying alternat-

        ing current (see edition 26).
                                                                         vacuum tube diode

        The collector is a mechanical recti-

        fier, it could be replaced by diodes
        as early as the 1950s. But the di-

        odes based on vacuum electron

        tubes (photo right) at that time
        were still too big, consumed too

        much energy and got very hot,

        but above all, they were not suit-                                                                       ©
        able to be mounted in a humid

        environment, nor were they resis-

        tant to shock.

        Fortunately, the late fifties early                     On page 11 we show one such

        sixties saw the rise of "solid-state"                   solid-state rectifier diode, they are

        semiconductor electronics. Still                        barely a few inches in size and can
        very expensive in the early 1960s,                      therefore be easily built into the

        but later in that decades the pric-                     alternator housing.

        es of solid-state components went

        down, and they became afford-
        able to build into a car.

    10                                                                                                                                             Paruzzi Magazine 27
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