Page 6 - paruzzi-magazine-en-27
P. 6

#79                                     Electrical

        The alternator

        The dynamo's greatest asset                             val had to be increased, as own-

        turned out to be its greatest limi-                     ers of modern cars now drove
        tation, the collector. Supplying                        more miles. There had to be a

        more current would shorten the                          successor to our old dynamo; it

        life of the carbon brushes; some-                       became the alternator. We will
        thing had to be found for that.                         first show an overview of the

        So the dynamo was no longer                             construction of the alternator

        adequate for the new situation of                       and then compare with the good

        the mid-sixties. The service inter-                     old dynamo, then we will discuss

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     6                                                                                                                                             Paruzzi Magazine 27
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