Page 5 - paruzzi-magazine-en-27
P. 5

alternator operating principle

        Curve number 2 is this of the                           To make the dynamo work even
        alternator. The alternator begins                       at idle speed, the ratio of the

        to produce power even at very                           diameter of the crankshaft pul-

        low rpm, which is a great advan-                        ley to the dynamo pulley was

        tage over the dynamo. The curve                         optimally calculated to make
        builds up gradually, and has                            the dynamo spin faster than the

        usable current production be-                           crankshaft of the engine. This

        tween idle speed and maximum                            caused the dynamo to produce
        speed.                                                  power at a lower speed. Below

                                                                we show the crankshaft pulley

                                                                and dynamo pulley of a 1960
                                                                34 hp engine.

                               dynamo pulley

                                                             crankshaft pulley

                            Paruzzi Magazine 27                                                                 5

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